Your NDIS funding can pay for Plan Decoder sessions in most circumstances. The following NDIS line items can be used to access our service.

The following line items are outlined in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits guide, which is the main document for understanding NDIS service provision and the associated costs to your plan. Plan Decoders provides a justifiable, reasonable and necessary service to assist NDIS participants and/or their carers/guardians/decision makers in understanding, utilising, and managing their NDIS funding and plan.

Our service aligns with the descriptions of funding line items in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits guide as described below:

“CORE” line items:

01_134_0117_8_1         Capacity Building and Training in Self-Management and Plan Management.

Why this line item? If your NDIS plan is plan-managed or self-managed, your ‘core’ funding allows you to access support to help you manage your NDIS plan, funding and the providers who support you. Plan Decoders sessions are a justifiable use of this funding, as outlined by the NDIS’ description of this support which reads:

This support item focuses on strengthening the participant’s ability to undertake tasks associated with the management of their supports…” and “…supports them to build capacity to undertake all aspects of plan administration and management. This includes building organisational skills; engaging providers; enhancing the participant’s ability to direct their supports; developing service agreements; building financial skills; maintaining records; paying providers; and claiming payments from the NDIA.”


15_035_0106_1_3         Assistance With Decision Making Daily Planning and Budgeting

Why this line item? Your NDIS plan will have ‘Capacity Building’ funding which is there to support you to increase your skills, including independence skills, planning skills, budgeting skills and decision-making skills. Plan Decoders loves supporting participants to be active and knowledgeable about the NDIS and their NDIS plan. Your plan and the funding you have access to can make a powerful difference in your life, and we want to support you to get the most out of it. This is what the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits guide has to say about the capacity-building line items that Plan Decoders can utilise:

These support items assist the development of, or increase, a participant’s skills and or capacity for independence…

15_038_0117_1_3         Training For Carers/Parents

Why this line item? If you are a carer/parent/guardian or decision maker of an NDIS participant, you can access this funding to build your capacity in “matters related to caring for a person with a disability”. If this is you, you may need support to understand the participant’s NDIS plan, what the funding can be used for, and how to navigate the complex and confusing world of the NDIS. Plan Decoders sessions are a reasonable and necessary, justifiable use of this funding.

The list above outlines Plan Decoders’ preferred NDIS ‘line items’. Both ‘core’ and ‘capacity building’ funding are often flexible. If the preferred line items are not suitable, Plan Decoders sessions may be able to be funded differently. You can download the flyer below to find out what other line items can be used for your Plan Decoders session(s).

Have more questions? Contact Plan Decoders for the answers!